Friday, October 18, 2024

Etsy February 2021 Report

Well February flew by quickly didn’t it!  I spent most of my time dealing with a toddler who refuses to sleep, and had to fit sewing in when I could.  I did manage to get a few new items listed including some scrap busting baby hats and some dinosaur shorts that I really love.  I also had a month long sale on some of my oldest items – not that that made much difference to my stats.  February was a better month for me than January, but it’s far from impressive.  My stats are below.

Sales and Visits

  • Number of visits: 412
  • Number of orders: 6
  • Conversion Rate: 1.5%
  • Revenue: £116.00


  • 302 people found my shop through Etsy search
  • 53 people visited my shop direct
  • 9 people found my shop through Etsy ads on Google and the other random places they’ve started advertising.
  • 17 people visited my shop via Instagram
  • 31 people visited my shop via Facebook

Plans for March

I’m going to stick to selling ready to ship items as it’s a lot less stressful than made to order.  The main issue with this, though, is needing to make at least one item up in each size before I can list them – it takes a while.  My most enjoyable makes in February were those that used up scraps to make the odd one-off item, and I’ll probably look to do one or two more of these in March.  I’d like to get four new items listed by the end of the month.

I did put more effort into my Facebook page in February although I do still find it hard to find the balance between posting things people will engage with and feeling like I’m spamming for sales.  On Instagram this month, I plan to try the #meetthemaker challenge to see if that increases my follower count at all.

You can view my Etsy store here.

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